WeiEn was a FluidAnims RHG created by WeiEn. He is a grey chinese soldier.
A soldier from the Chinese dynasties of the past, warped through time and forced to work for the Rock Hard Gladiators system. He is sent on missions to capture targets to participate in RHG.
Kinetic Absorption.
Can reduce damage taken by absorbing impacts such as punches, kicks, high falls, headbutts, hard blunt hits, brute force and just any kind of blunt impact. WeiEn does not have control over this ability as it absorbs impacts automaticly. Also meaning you do not have to animate Kinetic Absorbtion, all it means is he has a high possibility of surviving all listed above.
WeiEn uses two modified Cho Ko Nu(Repeating Crossbow).
He does reduce damage from punches, kicks, falls, ect but it does not stop pain.
His absorbtion ability is limited to wide blunt, impact type damage so he cannot absorb cutting, piercing, slicing, or energy type attacks.
If the impact damage is too overwhelming WeiEn cannot absorb the damage.
His Cho Ko Nu may be able to shoot many bolts but it's penetration power is very low so if hit by one arrow it won't prove fatal.
Only human.
WeiEn is very clear minded when fighting, hardly ever having anger or other emotions get in his way. He hardly talks and epecially never insults his foes. He's determined to figure out what RHG is and why he is here, forced to fight. He has a habit of spinning his crossbows while taking them out.
WeiEn was a soldier in the Chinastick army of late Qing Dynasty with the role of an archer. In one of the battles against the Japansticks they were defeated and WeiEn was one of the very few soldiers who survived and was made prisoner to the Japansticks. The Japansticks instead of killing them off used them as test dummies for their newly invented time portal. The first stick who was forced in just instantly split in half, the Japansticks adjusted some properties on the time portal while WeiEn watched in fear as he was next in line. The Japansticks started to push WeiEn into the portal but he swiftly struck back at them and quickly ran to grab a weapon. The Japansticks also reacted quickly as they grabbed for their swords. WeiEn got a hold of his Cho Ko Nu and was able to shoot a few rounds at them. Unfortunatley this ended quickly as more Japansticks entered the room slowly surrounding him. With no where else to go WeiEn shot the time portal a few times with his Cho Ko Nu, waved goodbye to his fellow soldiers and quickly jumped into the portal, causing the portal to instantly crash soon after. WeiEn had appeared very high in the air, he takes a glance at the sandy ground below and shuts his eyes tight, he was slammed against the ground but somehow survived. WeiEn slowly got up with a dizzy head. He opened his eyes seeing a few strange sticks beginning to carry him into a very large building. He began to get dazed once again and could only get a glimpse at a three letters on this building. "R H G". Soon after he woke up in a small cell room with no doors or windows. His Cho Ko Nu was there also but in an advanced upgraded form. Bling! A large sound suddenly alarmed the room, a screen opened up in the cell saying, "Prepare for RHG Battle". A door slowly slid open from the wall, WeiEn quickly grabbed the Cho Ko Nu and prepared himself even as confused as he was...
The screen flashed again, now with words saying "RHG Battle 1". WeiEn cautiously walked out of the room holding onto his crossbow the door closes behind him. The air was cool, he looked around, this room was much larger but similar as everything was stainless white. A door appears on the other side of the room, revealing an black floating orb. The orb entered the room and continued to hover around. WeiEn watches in confusion as the orb suddenly bursts revealing another stick. Instantly noticing that he was not here for a chat, WeiEn draws his crossbow as the fight begins.
WeiEn looks down at his unconcious enemy as a door appears again on the other side of the room. Still plexed, WeiEn walks back to the door, entering the same cell as before. There was something strange, there was a plate of food in the center of the room. WeiEn kneels down and feels that the food is still hot, but ignores it and sits in the corner of the room, eventually falling asleep.
Bling! The same sound as before awakens WeiEn. A screen once again appears on the wall stating "Prepare for RHG Battle". WeiEn begins trying to piece together what he has seen so far, still nothing made sense. The screen now stating, "RHG Battle 2" a door opens.
- VS Morphizzd - WIN (Poll)
- VS Croix - WIN (Poll)
- VS Vici LOSS (Cancelled)
- VS Cristul LOSS? (Unfinished) (Cancelled)
- VS Brush (Cancelled)
- VS Sonata - LOSS? (Cancelled)
- VS Spiffy - LOSS? (Unfinished) (Cancelled)
- VS Singe - WIN
- VS Promage - WIN
- VS Oxob - WIN (Poll)
- VS Steel - WIN (Written RHG)
- VS Parasite - WIN
- VS Hypo (Cancelled)
- VS Aori - WIN
- VS Ventus - WIN (Tournament) (Default)
- VS Tempus - WIN (Tournament) (Unfinished?)
- Speedbattle vs Oreo
His old character was Inotae (Prove).