Once upon a time, there was a boy named Resh. He had this radiation disease that he inherited from his mother. His father was a soldier working for the military.
One day, his family had began falling apart when Resh and his dad received a message that his mother was dying from her radiation disease. They rushed to the hospital, where she was about to die. Resh had no choice but to watch his own mother die before his eyes.
Resh was torn up about his mother's death. But his dad told him: "You can be anyone you want to be, no matter the odds." But that changed when his dad got killed in a war.
Resh, even when he moved in with his uncle and cousins, remembered what his dad had said. He idolized his dad. He wanted to be his dad. That time would come when he would be kidnapped by the military at the age of 12. He was trained to be a tactical mastermind in his adolescent years. However, by the time he was 17, he was tested on by his superiors for an experimental serum which would further improve his tactics and intellect. The experiment was a successful, and he moved on to fulfill his father's legacy as Umbrella.