Stickpage Wiki

Welcome to StickPage's Wiki

The world's largest Stick Figure encyclopedia. If you like Stick figures, you're in the right place. Anyone can join and share their stick figure knowledge, hosted by Wikia. Our project contains over 781 articles (still going) since September 2, 2008.

Your Journey Begins
Enter The Dojo
Newcomers Approaching

Your Journey Begins


Enter The Dojo

Newcomers Approaching

Your Journey Begins
Enter The Dojo
Newcomers Approaching


This wikia holds information on any stickfigure related to Rock Hard GladiatorsFluidanimsStickpage and even Hyun's Dojo.

Rock Hard Gladiators moved to Stickpage when its murge with Fluidanims, and the new rhg generations were born. Crazy Jay is the first RHG on Stickpage, and was leading stickpage with Andre (Stone) , who is the first rhg of Fluidanims as the new generation of RHG begun. And new RHGs have sprung up every day since.

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for more info contact the wiki Admins: Vegasfest56, Tbone199, or Niko125

Common Q&A

  • Q: How can i create a stick figure article?
  • Q: How do I join Stick Page Wikia, so I can add or edit articles?
    • A: Anyone to join, just sign up for a Wikia Account. But any misbehaviour or abuse to this wikia, will result in an automatic ban. Visit this link if you need Help.
  • Q: How do I become Admin?
  • Q: Can I be a part in rhg? My character is XX and he can YY, wields ZZ and...
    • A: First of all this is not the place where you should start your RHG. This is an encyclopedia, a sort of database of all official RHG characters and duelists. The place where you should start your RHG is here, and your Duelist here.

