Stand (Also known as Fate)is an Animated FluidAnims RHG created by Leosonic. He is normally a Magenta Purple coloured stick figure.
This isn't he who choose to have this pistol, but it's the pistol what choose he. It's a sort of magical weapon what obey only at his master. Stand is the chosen one for his generation.
With his pistol, he can reduces his chances of shootings in the air (Missing shots), and manage them with leisure to his enemy. However these shootings can stay in the air only 6 seconds. He has 15 balls by recharge.
Favourite attack: Purple illusion
- He has to recharge the ammunitions of his pistol when they are finished. ( 3 sec. to recharge )
- Dependent on his weapon to fight.
- He is bad in the fight Hand-to-Hands.
- Barrels
- Vs Q12 (His Battle)