Round 1[]
Judges: Terkoiz, Miccool, SSJ
2) Tentionmaru Vs Null (Centurion)
Null (Centurion) vs Tentionmaru
3) Jombo (Quickfeet) Vs Mango (Specter) (Forteit)
4) PlasmaGhost (Kickman) Vs Psyder (Boomerang)
Psyder (Boomerang) vs Plasmaghost (Kickman)
5) Oxob3000 (Oxob) Vs Godmouth (Morion)
Godmouth (Morion) vs Oxob3000 (Oxob)
6) Frank (Franky) Vs Shho (Alloy)
Shho (Alloy) vs Frank (Franky) (could not find)
7) Kidkei (Fox n' Q) vs Geo (Mr. Pix)
Geo (Mr. Pix) vs Kidkei (Fox n' Q)
Nhazul vs Oreo (Unfinished)
9) Drifts Vs Hyun (Yoyo) (Could not find) (Forteit)
10) Zans (Gravitee) Vs Mack (Muck)
Mack (Muck) vs Zans (Gravitee) (could not find) (Unfinished)
11) Flax (Sludgey) Vs Porridge (Khaldun) (Unfinished and could not find)
Porridge (Khaldun) Vs Flax (Sludgey) (Unfinished and could not find)
12) Pluto (Munch) vs Beast (Ragerrai) (Could not find) (Forteit)
1) Kymjaga (The ?) vs Bond84 (Veo) (Could not find) (Forteit)
2) Plaguedsoul (Indestructible Dave) Vs Ichimaruu (Could not find)
Ichimaruu vs Plaguedsoul (Indestructible Dave)
3) Spawn Vs Armorstick (Druncho) (Could not find)
4) WeiEn vs Crispy (Ventus) (Forteit)
5) Evld (Tyke) Vs Spirit (Spectre)
Spirit (Spectre) vs Evld (Tyke)
6) Epicskyte (Jibber Jabber) Vs Graphical (Agilix) - BOTH ELIMINATED - (Ebsketch In place +inter)
9) Irian11 (Kaife) Vs Shoop (Taunderian)
Shoop (Taunderian) vs Irian11 (Kaife)
Tsang vs Influ (Oxid)
11) Ilikepoptart (Poptart) Vs Clock (Tempus)
Clock (Tempus) vs Ilikepoptart (Poptart)
12) Shibuya Vs Kanza (Elasticity) (Forteit)
13) Ehlboy (Wrench) vs FluffyPanda (Fluffy) (Forteit)
14) Sethx (Wisp) Vs Obi Revolution (OB-BOT)
Obi Revolution (OB-BOT) vs Sethx (Wisp)
15) Kevon (Jagga) Vs Kyrin (Pillar) (Could not find) (Forteit)
16) Coolisushi (Hoody) Vs Stricken (Greg) (Forteit)
1) Slakt (Zero) vs Crouchingduck (Berneth) (Forteit)
2) Shynzo (Shinai) Vs Ag Systems (Cronos)
Ag systems (Cronos) vs Shynzo (Shinai) (Both Still)
3) Copper (Needle) Vs Zive (Genzo) (Could not find)
Zive (Genzo) vs Copper (Needle)
4) Malregima (Synthia) Vs Shadowkirby (Shadow) (could not find) (Unfinished)
Shadowkirby (Shadow) vs Malregima (Synthia) (Unfinished)
5) Balance (Izul) Vs Zendrioh (Zendrioh) (Forteit)
6) Hugsta (Curbstomp) vs ERP (Hielo) (Forteit)
7) SFFLucas (Caifeiro) Vs Darkswift (???) - BOTH ELIMINATED
8) Grim vs WarCorrespondent (Parasite) (Forteit)
9) Heartsriker (Lloyd) Vs Flashwire (Flashstep)
Flashwire (Flashstep) vs Heartstriker (Lloyd)
10) Blackstar (Twister) Vs Flashboy10 (Krembo)
Flashboy10 (Krembo) vs Blackstar (Twister)
11) Ultrachimp (Pyro) Vs Curiculundo (Splicer)
Curiculundo (Splicer) vs Ultrachimp (Pyro) (Unfinished)
11) Ebsketch (Ulethiel) Vs Blade-runn3r (Hayden Tenno)
12) Bladerunn3r (Hayden Tenno) vs Ebsketch (Ulethiel) (Could not found) (Ebsketch moved to Inter)
13) Strike (Quicky) vs Nano (Kobaruto) (Forteit)
14) Misterdaan (Nomad) Vs Apolon (Quicksilver)
Apolon (Quicksilver) vs Misterdaan (Nomad)
15) Flawchy (Intervene) Vs Lenege4 (???) (Forteit)
16) Slasher (Richard) Vs SS42 (Phase) (Forteit)
Round 2[]
There are no links for the results, so, i couldn't find lots of this RHGs
1) Tentionmaru Vs Jomm (Unfinished)
2) Jombo (Quickfeet) Vs Psyder (Boomerang)
Psyder (Boomerang) vs Jombo (Quickfeet)
3) Frank (Franky) Vs Godmouth (Morion) (Unfinished)
Godmouth (Morion) vs Frank (Franky) (Unfinished)
4) Oreo Vs Geo (Mr. Pix)
5) Drifts Vs Zans (Gravitee)
Zans (Gravitee) vs Drifts
6) Flax (Sludgey) Vs Pluto (Munch)
Pluto (Munch) vs Flax (Sludgey)
1) Kymjaga (The ?) Vs Ichimaruu
Ichimaruu vs Kymjaga (The ?)
2) Armorstick (Druncho) Vs Shibuya
Shibuya vs Armorstick (Druncho)
3) Spirit (Spectre) Vs Ebsketch (Ulethiel) (Moved to inter & Instead of Graphical & Epicskyte who are both out)
4) Travis Vs Coolisushi (Hoody)
Coolisushi (Hoody) vs Travis
5) Irian11 (Kaife) Vs Tsang
Tsang vs Irian11 (Kaife)
6) Clock (Tempus) Vs WeiEn
WeiEn vs Clock (Tempus)
7) Ehlboy (Wrench) Vs Obi Revolution (OB-BOT) (Forteit)
8) Kevon (Jagga) Vs Cryvern
1) Slakt (Zero) Vs Shynzo (Shynai)
Shynzo (Shynai) vs Slakt (Zero)
2) Zive (Genzo) Vs Shadowkirby (Shadow)
Shadowkirby (Shadow) vs Zive (Genzo)
3) Balance (Izul) Vs Hugsta (Curbstomp)
Hugsta (Curbstomp) vs Balance (Izul)
4) AG Systems (Cronos) Vs Grim
Grim vs AG Systems (Cronos)
5) Heartsriker (Lloyd) Vs Ultrachimp (Pyro)
Ultrachimp (Pyro) vs Heartstriker (Lloyd)
6) Blacktar (Twister) vs Blade-runn3r (Hyden Tenno)
Blade-runn3r (Hyden Tenno) vs Blackstar (Twister)
7) Strike (Quicky) Vs Misterdaan (Minus)
Misterdaan (Minus) vs Strike (Quicky) - NONE WIN (BOTH STILL TOUGH)
8) Flawchy (Intervene) Vs Slasher (Richard)
Slasher (Richard) vs Flawchy (Intervene) - BOTH ELIMINATED
Round 3 (Cancelled)[]
1) Jomm vs Pluto (Munch)
2) Jombo (Quickfeet) vs Drifts
3) Geo (Mr. Pix) vs Frank (Franky)
1) Kymjaga (The ?) vs Cryvern
2) Armorstick (Druncho) vs Ehlboy (Wrench)
3) Spirit (Spectre) vs WeiEn
4) Coolisushi (Hoody) vs Tsang
1) Shynzo (Shinai) vs Strike (Quicky)
2) Shadowkirby (Shadow) vs Misterdaan (Ace)
3) Hugsta (Curbstomp) vs Bladerunn3r (Hyden Tenno)
4) AG Systems (Tox) vs Ultrachimp (Pyro)