- Biatch!!!!!!!!!
- —Overseer Lolph
Overseer Lolph, also known as Lolph Dundgren is the third Overseer, the primary protagonist of The Cliff, and the secondary protagonist of The Stickworld.
When fighting The Dark Seprent, he lured it to the portal where Overseer Lolph and The Creator fought. Though it doesn't really count since The Creator defeated it himself instead of Overseer Lolph. Besides that, Overseer Lolph seems to be slightly selfish as seen in The Stickworld Part 16 by reviving The One so he can revive his brother, Dolph, leading to The One splitting The Stickworld in half.
Overseer Lolph appears as a large stickman with a red overseer aura. Lolph is about the same height of The One, but slightly shorter.
Early Life[]
Lolph was born by his mother and his father Rolph, lolph's mother died by The One. Lolph had a brother named Dolph.
Adulthood and Trainings[]
Rolph passed one of his powers to Lolph, making him immune to telekenisis powers. The Creator erases Lolph's memory. Then, he manages to fend The One off twice. His father took him on as his apprentice. Lolph quickly manages to learn some magic. However, they don't know that they are father and son though. The One returns again, with the help of one of his father's powers that he passed Lolph to, he manages to beat The One again.
Then Lolph returns to his father to continue his training. Since the soul containers restore The One's powers, he returns again, and grows even more powerful. Lolph still manages to win by using The One's own trident against him. The soul containers have been destroyed, meaning The One won't return again. Meanwhile, Lolph completes his training. Rolph senses something so he asks Lolph to check it out, when Lolph comes to investigate, Dolph appears and they fight. Lolph manages to win but Dolph buffers up himself and Lolph manages to win again. Dolph sacrificed his own soul and now The One returns much far stronger than Lolph.
Lolph loses not only the fight but he loses his life too. After The One defeated Rolph, he obliterated into red liquid (blood) and gave up all of his remaining powers to Lolph, making him stronger and gain a red overseer aura. Lolph nearly defeated The One, but Dolph buffers up himself again. In the end, Lolph defeats The One making The One never return again.
Now, Lolph's name is changed to Overseer Lolph and now has to watch over the Stickworld. And his assistant is Mike.
Power Level[]
Power Level (With Trident)[]
Magic Power Level[]
Telekinesis Immunity[]
Telekinesis Immunity makes Overseer Lolph immune to telekinesis powers.
Magic Control[]
Magic Control is an attack that can make the character that has the ability be able to control objects such as certain magic powers. (Any magic power spheres)
Special Attacks[]
Meteor Burst[]
Meteror Burst is a special attack that Overseer Lolph has. It is a special attack that makes Lolph a small shield, white eyes, and sometimes white magic energy balls on his hands. The special attack is even stronger than The One's dark strong shield that is 3x bigger than The One himself.
Q&A asked by fans[]
- Did Lolph's chair break back in the news because Lolph was heavy?: Yes.
- Is life inside of life that eats life that i don't know life because life will eat life?: .....?
The Cliff Series[]
The Cliff 1[]
vs. The One - DRAW
The Cliff 2[]
vs. The One - WIN
The Cliff 3[]
vs. The One - WIN
The Cliff 4[]
vs. The One - WIN
The Cliff 5[]
vs. The One - WIN
The Cliff 6[]
vs. The One - WIN
The Cliff 7[]
vs. The First Overseer - WIN
The Stickworld Series[]
Episode 8[]
vs. The First Overseer - WIN
Episode 12.5[]
vs. The Creator - DRAW
Episode 14[]
vs. The Elder Seprent - WIN
Episode 15[]
vs. The Dark Seprent - WIN
Episode 16[]
vs. The Ultimate Stickbot - WIN
Episode 18[]
vs. Junior Ice Spirit - WIN
vs. Ice Spirit - WIN
Episode 22[]
vs. The Dark Devourer - DRAW
Episode 23[]
vs. The Speedy Ice Spirit - WIN
Episode 24[]
vs. The First Overseer - WIN (presumably)
- "I... don't think that... Biatch?"
- "!?!"
- "It's so fast!"
- "I know where it is!"
- "6 x 3? That's an easy one."
- "I guess the ice cave can wait..."
- "Mike what's 6 x 3?"
- "Thanks!"
- "Can you help them...?"
- "Exactly!"
- "6 x 3?! 6 x 3!?!"
- "Hello there!"
- "Almost crashed into it by mistake once..."
- "Do you have anyone smart in that castle? Get them!"
- "No...!"
- "I'm Not!!!"
- "I'm here because I need help with a couple of friends that have been turned to stone..."
- "He's talking about your channel, Stupid!"
- "Biatch!"
- "I know exactly what to call you. But I'll save that to after I defeat you again..."
- "No!"
- "They did."
- "?"
- "Gabriel?"
- "You knew him? I'm sorry, he's gone... He tried to help me... Soon, everyone will be gone..."
- "..."
- "It's 'Lolph'."
- "yes.."
- "Brother! Are you in there?!?"
- "Yes!"
- "Will it take long...?"
- "No!"
- "Wait!"
- "Why isn't my Magic Control working on his magic...?"
- "Good!"
- "Are you here to fight, or to hide, like a damn coward?"
- "zzz.."
- "No one cares!"
- "What is your name?"
- "Why did you cross the cliff today, Mike?"
- "There it is!!!"
- "What the heck?!?"
- "This entire cliff is indestructible?!?"
- "Crap, you're right!"
- "I don't have an attack like that!"
- "That's just too bad."
- "The Shield-Breaker? It's too weak."
- "...?!"
- " I command Everyone to leave this cliff Right Now!"
- "...?"
- "Who else but The Creator can make indestructible stuff...?"
- "Stop!!!"
- "???"
- "No buts!!!"
- He only says 'Biatch' just because he heard the word when he was younger and thought it sounded cool.