Electric Man is the main character in the flash game series "Electric Man" created by Damian Clarke. There is no lore or backstory on how he got the electric field around him, but it seems to boost all of his abilities to superhuman levels.
Electric Man is a black stickman with a body surrounded by pure electricity. At the beginning of the game, you can decide what color you want the electricity to be (yellow, green, orange, white, blue, or turquoise).
Basic Moves[]
By default, Electric Man has the following moves:
- A - Punch
- S - Kick
- D - Knee
Battery Moves[]
These moves require you to have a charged battery.
- Q - Slow-Mo Punch
- W - Slow-Mo Kick
- E - Slow-Mo Grab
Running Moves[]
These moves require you to have a running start.
- Arrow keys and D – Running Grab
- Arrow keys and W - Quadruple Kick Combo
- Arrow keys and E - Throwing Punch
Other Moves[]
- A (when surrounded) - Combo Punches
- S (when surrounded) - Side Kick
- Hold E - Super Punch