Angelo is a red Rock Hard Gladiator created by Lycan.
- Weapon: Demonic Sword crafted from the forges of Hephaestus with Stygian iron
- Great reflexes and Agility
- Black Magic
- Summons dead
When Angelo was a small boy, everyone hated him. no friends, his father left him when he was born, and monsters attack him all the time. one day, the others found him and took him back to camp. hey trained properly and developed his powers. he also learned black magic. At the camp he saw this kid named Aisu and thought he looked very familiar. Much later he came in contact with his Father, Hades and found out that Aisu was his long lost Brother. For some strange reason, they have different personalities and powers.
- Mortal and immortal Weapons
- Water
- Normal Human besides Demigod powers
Fact: He was the second Lycan's character, the next one was Nemesis, and the first one was Jin (NOT JIN). (Links broken)