I wanna have the people with have the same intrest as me (obviously stickman)
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Yeah if anyone has ANY clue on how to start an rhg or duelist (no clue lol) PLEASE tell me
Tell me all that you know ESPECIALLY if theres anything specific like animation software
Just Updated
This counts because it has stick legs
Does anybody know if theres any way to download any of the games from stickpage? they didnt do what newgrounds did or anything like that? is it really all gone
Besides that i love u stickpage & ninja jay
U were and will always be an essential part of my childhood & psyche
I hope he one day sees the few active on this wiki and somehow one day restarts a new flash game-like website again
Because im sure in todays climate it would ease manys minds
I love u stickpage
When I try to play for Double Range on the map Can You See The Enemies? An error pops up. I've been looking for a game on the Internet for a long time to install. I changed the shape of the screen and it turned out that I was flying up outside the map. Can anyone explain why this is happening?
Yes im kinda new to this wiki but i have been interested in stickman so much May the STICKFORCE be with us and for all my knowledge you guy's shouldn't worry since there are other wiki's with stickman like hyun's dojo wiki and even if a legacy still dies there will be something to replace that legacy so keep believing the stick universe is filled with our imagination's stick man's aren't rubbish or nonsense stickmen are us because they are filled with our imaginations and stickmans are easy to animate and draw
Once again idk if there is anyone who is still here but
I found stickpage around the age of 9-10 along with a few other now dead games. This is my first time writing a post like I just created the account for this so idk really know what to say. Like this gamesite was sort off my childhood, I remeber almost stealing my moms credit card just to pay for skins on stick war 2 lol, and I also remember watching all the videos being so confused, but I really enjoyed some of the games, mainly stick war 2 and 1 as they were the first strategy games that were really fun for me, comanding a bunch of soldiers. Sad to see it now gone, I didnt really know that the game ran on the flash. Well it was something I hope others share their memories on this page before it closes, and also so theirs more like remenicing rather than posts saying this is dead.
Hope yall have a great day and good life
I think there are only 2 people active, including myself.
Im an 11 year old kid who currently has 160 stickmen right now. (214 if you count hypothetical characters), I might make more soon. and these 160 stickmen have no powers. except Neon Green (Aka Radiation) who is quite dangerous in defense since his body 40% Hydrofluoric Acid. the 60 is other chemicals and elements. And if a rule is to be over 13 years of age to make a page here, then im sorry. and you have the rights to block me for 579 days.
We all know that stickpage is gone since the end of flash. But Today Everyone will never see this wiki anymore. and soon this wiki will be forgotten. his yt channel is not forgotten yet. but only his twitter, and facebook acocunt. what about his livestream account? it faded to obscurity. (if you know that please give me a screenshot). oh and also, WHY ARE WE STILL HERE. theres nothing we can do about it! we will never forget stickpage. thanks for everything. i'm gonna miss you all. this might be my last message from this wiki. goodbye for now.
(don't ask why i post this)
Might seem ankward being absent so long, but let's say the whole Covid thing didn't help an already wavering situation.
What's new on the block?
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6 Votes in Poll
I uploaded lot of clans and changed some character's wikis
Love ya
I'm new here.